






 利用 Saturday 3D mammogram appointments at Highpoint Health Imaging for Women and Highpoint Health ——河景








The American Cancer Society has developed and adopted the following guidelines for the detection of breast cancer in women without symptoms:





Your healthcare provider can help you decide whether you need a 2D or a low-dose 3D mammogram. 乳房x光检查可能需要医生的命令,也可能不需要,这可能会有所不同. 如果需要额外的乳房成像, 乳房超声检查, 乳房核磁共振或乳房活检服务也可用. 您可以放心,我们的工作人员会在舒适和热情的环境中迎接您.

  • 数字乳房x光检查 or standard 2D mammography has been shown to detect significantly more cancers than film mammography, 尤其是50岁以下的女性, 乳房组织致密的女性, 以及绝经前和绝经后的女性.
  • 低剂量3D乳房x线摄影 是一个更高级的, 临床证实的筛查和诊断工具,早期乳腺癌检测. 3D乳房x线摄影设备在不同角度产生多个低剂量图像. 这就产生了乳房组织的详细3D图像, 为放射科医生提供更大的可见度.
  • 乳房超声波 are used to perform an image-guided overview of the breast and can help pinpoint any areas of concern or diseases that may be present.
  • 乳房核磁共振扫描 are typically given to patients who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer or those with a strong family or personal history. 对于这些病人, 美国癌症协会建议每年做一次乳房x光检查和核磁共振检查, 从30岁开始. 对于被诊断患有乳腺癌的患者, breast MRI gives surgeons and oncologists a clear picture of the extent of the cancer to ensure that proper treatment is delivered. 
  • 乳房活组织检查 从乳房的可疑区域获取组织样本, 这样就可以在显微镜下观察组织中的细胞. 病理学家然后确定什么类型,如果有,疾病存在. Highpoint Health提供超声、立体定向(x射线)和核磁共振引导下的乳房活检.

和你的医生谈谈你的家族史,关注的领域和乳腺癌的风险. 你可能需要做基因测试. 就能越早发现任何形式的乳腺癌, 治疗成功的可能性就越大.


  • 他们会要求你脱掉上衣,给你一件长袍.
  • Your mammogram technician will talk you through the entire process and answer your questions so that you know what to expect.
  • 放映本身只需要大约15分钟.
  • 在你筛选之后, your results will be shared with you and the doctor who referred you to discuss any potential next steps.


  • 什么是3D乳房x光检查?

    3D mammography is a type of digital mammography which uses advanced technology to take images of your breast from different angles and combine them to create a more complete and accurate image of your breast than is possible with regular 2D digital mammography.

    3D mammography follows the same basic procedure that you're probably accustomed to with regular 2D digital mammography. 3D只会多持续几秒钟, slightly extending the time of minor discomfort you may feel and the low-risk radiation exposure involved with all forms of digital mammography. 

  • 为什么每年的乳房x光检查很重要?

    八分之一的女性一生中会患乳腺癌. 乳腺癌越早被发现,就越容易治疗. 如果早期发现,乳腺癌的5年生存率为100%. 乳房x光检查可以在症状出现之前就发现乳腺癌.

  • 谁应该做乳房x光检查?

    建议所有40岁及以上的女性每年进行一次乳房x光检查. If you are younger than 40 but are at high risk for breast cancer based on your family history or health background, 你可能需要在更早的年龄开始筛查. 和你的医生谈谈哪种筛查计划最适合你.

  • 我为什么要做3D乳房x光检查?

    The more complete and accurate image of your breast generated by 3D mammography allows us to detect breast cancer earlier and more effectively than traditional 2D mammography, 这样我们就可以采取行动帮助你们.

    3D mammography is particularly effective if you have dense breast tissue or have been given a previous cancer or lesion diagnosis.

    And 3D mammography's higher accuracy means fewer unnecessary return visits to the doctor for false positives that turn out to be non-cancerous.

  • 3D乳房x光检查有什么好处?


    • 一个更完整,高质量的乳房图像
    • 更早、更有效地发现乳腺癌
    • 较低的辐射剂量
    • 数字检测工具能够更好地关注关注领域
    • 检查时乳房压迫减少
    • 准确性高,这意味着可以减少因假阳性而回访医生的次数
  • 3D/断层合成乳房x光检查的好处是什么?
    • 减少回调成像的机会 当你做3D乳房x光检查时, 我们的放射科医生能够更深入地观察乳房组织. This can help to determine if tissue is abnormal on the screening mammogram vs having you return for extra imaging as previously needed with 2D mammography. 这并不是一个保证,因为在某些情况下仍然需要更多的成像.
    • 在早期阶段增加乳腺癌的检测 Due to the advanced technology of 3D mammography and its ability to take images in slices, we can see smaller abnormalities in their beginning stages that are sometimes obscured by dense, 在单独的二维成像时,乳房的厚组织. Earlier detection leads to quicker treatment planning, resulting in higher survival rates.
    • 减少假阳性成像结果的数量 A false positive is when a mammogram shows an abnormal area that looks like a cancer but turns out to be normal. 最终,好消息是:没有乳腺癌. 但可疑部位通常需要你的医生跟进, 额外的测试, 还有额外的程序, 包括可能的活检. 假阳性结果会带来心理、生理和经济上的损失.
  • 3D直立立体定向活检的好处是什么?
    • 更容易接近乳腺活检区域 Getting this type of biopsy allows you to sit upright comfortably in a chair versus the previous biopsy where you had to lay on a very uncomfortable table. 让你像做乳房x光检查时那样坐着, we are able to access areas of concern that previously were out of our field of view on the biopsy table. This allows us to successfully complete more biopsies no matter where they are located on the mammogram.
    • 〇缩短程序时间 就像你在做标准乳房x光检查时一样, 它需要更少的时间来找到需要关注的区域,并允许更快的活检过程. 这也意味着乳房受压的时间更短.
    • 在活检过程中进行三维成像,以提高采样的准确性 我们的放射科医生能够在活检过程中使用低剂量3D成像进行成像. This means we always know exactly where our needle is in relationship to our targeted area of breast tissue because we can take very detailed pictures during the biopsy to replicate the mammogram.


  • 怎样才能降低患乳腺癌的风险?

    虽然没有确定的方法来预防乳腺癌, 你可以采取一些措施来降低风险. 这些步骤包括:

    • 保持健康的体重
    • 定期锻炼
    • 限制饮酒
    • 如果你的年龄在40岁以上,每年做一次乳房x光检查


Many women put off getting their first mammogram because they believe it will be painful or they don't want to know the results. 有些人只是认为他们没有足够的时间.

跟着卡莉做第一次乳房x光检查. You will find answers to the most common questions women ask when getting their first mammogram, 真实乳房x光检查的录像, and peace of mind knowing you will be in great hands if you have your mammogram done at Highpoint Health with Ascension Saint Thomas.


(615) 328-6500

(615) 735-5300

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